The Cult of What Comes Next

$27.00 inc GST

Product Description

S. K. Kelen’s latest collection of poems, The Cult of What Comes Next, is an assembly of moments somewhat like a multidimensional jigsaw puzzle of
life, dreams and visions from the past and future where time is at once arrow, vortex, sphere and cloud: a journey to the outer moons of an unknown world, sleepless nights, some conversations with ghosts and glimpses of what might be in the afterlife, history re-visited, askew politics, a haunting of hobgoblins, travels to uplifting destinations, through some dark times of the soul and coming home – all composed with elan, a taut lyricism and refreshingly rhythmic lines mutating in form through a swarm of haiku to wild odes and sonnet-like creatures from outer space.

Throughout his work, Kelen has wrestled with the devil in the details of things. That concrete connection with his world remains his strength and brings a reader back to poem after poem.
Chris Mooney-Singh, Cordite

…offers an alternative vision of the world, a poetry affected by the world that in turn affects the world, allowing the noise and silence of the cosmos to reverberate through the reader.
D. J. Huppatz, Southerly
