The Feather Boy

$25.00 inc GST

Product Description

I’d love to offer a tightly-themed book, but this is not it – it touches on many concerns and interests. The times demand it and so do people encountered, things seen and felt. These are poems from nearly thirty years.
—Judith Rodriguez

OEuvre très diversifiée dans sa forme et son inspiration:… on y lit en filigrane la sensibilité ironique et l’humour qui dévoilent l’arrière-plan de toute situation. Ce refus du pathos, ce déboulonnage du merveilleux, généralement associé à la poésie, créent la tension particulière qui caractérise cette oeuvre, dans laquelle les images les plus fortes et les plus étranges naissent de la trivialité revendiquée…
—Marilyne Bertoncini (Recours au poème, 2013)

Judith has an amazing voice and writes poems that make you feel something. That’s why I love her poetry.
—Vanessa Page in Facebook, 2015

After reading Flares I popped it in my bag and carried it with me so I could open it at any time (and I have) and revisit its thoughts and ideas. It’s a wonderful companion.
—Teresa Cannon, 2016


“Rodriguez’ great poems have always been those in which a very distinctive personality manages to find the right form in which to express itself so that, far from being lyrically universal, you have a strong feeling that no-one else on earth could have written them.” MARTIN DUWELL, Australian Poetry Review

“She is often wryly comical, and if many of the poems in this section are elegies, what the remembered dead bring her is ‘somehow laughter from beyond’, and the poems perform that restoration of the lost to the light of the present that her friend Gwen Harwood saw as a major purpose of poetry.” JENNIFER STRAUSS, Australian Book Review (paywalled)
