Product Description
‘Justin Lowe’s San Luis is a collection of veils, partly lifted or shifting in the breeze, providing glimpses of things perhaps not fully apprehended, of questions not answered. In poems that are wistful, nostalgic, remembrances, heartaches, Lowe probes a lifetime of the uncertainties of ‘this crooked little boy / with his warped view of time, / of belonging, / that never got truly mended.” – David Ades
‘Such wide-ranging, strange narratives told with an ear for varied subject matter and formal structures. Tightly controlled, evocative and nuanced. An original and distinctive voice. Powerful and moving. In a word – brilliant.’ – Mark O’Flynn
‘Enter Justin Lowe’s San Luis, a lyric psychogeography embodying philosopher Gaston Bachelard’s observation that “inhabited space transcends geometrical space”. From a childhood spent in Spain to a life lived within the vast Australian landscape, Lowe’s poems inhabit temporal, spatial and imaginative realms with a keen, compassionate, finely crafted consciousness. These deeply human poems will find their home in you.’ – Michele Seminara