Thin Book


REVIEWS “As a reader, I am looking to be jolted into a new paradigm. I want the poet to raise the stakes and am…

Flag of Permanent Defeat

Ouyang Yu has been one of Australia’s most prolific producers of poetry, translations and edited collections for the last three decades. He has also…

God is Waiting in the World’s Yard

The simplest of places that at every moment confronts with fresh ambiguities: ‘The world’s yard’: is it a tree-lined garden where children are playing?…

The Jewelled Shillelagh

Has there been an Australian poet as troubadourish and piratical as Duncan Hose? The work is a response  to an imaginary Auden’s (or someone’s) pronouncement…

State of Origin

When David was a kid, he thought he knew everything – especially about his pesky and annoying siblings who kept popping up out of…

A Crooked Stile

A Crooked Stile takes a slantwise leap over the everyday, a fencer’s delight in parry and parody. Starting out from an almost out-of-body consideration…